Windows 10 20H2 has finally reached its end. So it was time to prepare the new image for 21H2 for the MDT deployment. I followed the instruction to get the right image.wim file up and uploaded to MDT share, then created a new Task Sequence that will take the new image for deployment. But when I put it into the test, it ended pretty quickly with a Failure 5627 -214746724 showing up on the screen.

Turns out, just preparing the new image.wim file for Windows 10 21H2 wasn’t enough. You will have to upgrade the Windows ADK along with a new set of PE add-ons as well.
Here is how to proceed.
Go to the Windows ADK download page, and download both ADK for Windows 10, version 2004, and Windows PE add-on for the ADK. If you already have version 2004 of ADK installed, make sure you have the PE add-on updated.
Then, uninstall the old version of Windows ADK and Windows PE add-ons and then install the new version you just downloaded above.
Once installed, open Deployment Workbench, right-click DeploymentShare, and choose Update Deployment Share.

Select option “Complete regenerate the boot image”, and click Next.

Once it’s finished, you can go to the DeploymentShare\Boot folder and use tools like Rufus to create a new bootable USB drive using the LiteTouchPE_x64.iso image.
A quick note, you could use Windows 11 ADK as well since it’s now also available. But I was having difficulty using the bootable USB to boot and launch the deployment wizard using Windows 11 PE version for some reason. Windows 10 ADK 2004 works for me now so I will just leave it like that since I have no plan to deploy any Windows 11 installs.