Checking Pwned Passwords against Active Directory’s NTLM Hashes

Pwned Passwords is a great web service that lets you check your own password against millions of compromised and leaked password. It’s not only getting constantly updated by the owner, Troy Hunt but offers text-based downloadable files and API for anyone interested in building a 3rd party app. Newly added to the list is the password hashes in NTLM format, […]

How To Get the Full List of Properties of A PowerShell Object

When querying a PowerShell object, it only returns a few essential properties by default. For example, querying the W32_ComputerSystem class with Get-WmiObject cmdlet only returns properties like Manufacturer, ComputerName, TotalPhysicalMemory, etc. To get the full list of the properties of Win32_ComputerSystem class, you can pipe the result to Format-List, like below. Get-WmiObject -Class “Win32_ComputerSystem” | Format-List * You can even […]

How To Convert Active Directory TimeStamp Property to DateTime

Have you ever seen the timestamp format like this and wondered how it’s equivalent to the normal DateTime format? It’s the date/time value stored in Active Directory as the number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since the 0 hours on January 1, 1601, until the date/time that is being stored. It’s always in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, aka. GMT) […]