Instead of looking for a tool, there is a very quick and easy way that lets me ping a wild range of IPs to find out which IPs are free and which ones have been taken, using the PowerShell built-in cmdlet Test-Connection.
And here is how:
$iprange = 200..254
Foreach ($ip in $iprange)
$computer = "192.168.37.$ip"
$status = Test-Connection $computer -count 1 -Quiet
if (!$status)
$computer + " - available"
Copy the code over to PowerShell ISE console, change the IP info and hit the green Go button. You will get the result within a minute.
I personally really like this block of code because I can run many other things between each IP loop to gather more information about each computer on the network, such as uptime, hard drive usage, etc. But if you prefer a one-liner that gives you a set of simple result, try this.
200..254 | foreach { $status=Test-Connection "192.168.37.$_" -Count 1 -Quiet; "192.168.37.$_ $status"}
Hope it helps.
What parameters would you change to make the top script show active connections as opposed to dead IPs?
taking out the ! in the if line.
if ($status) {
$computer + ‘- taken’
Thank you Kent. I appreciate your help.
Simple solution, I like it. Very easy to expand the one liner to multiple subnets as well! Thanks heaps for the post!
Also, I did a test with Test-Connection and using the Ping class directly on the same network and subnet and the ping class directly seem to be quite a lot quicker.
Test-Connection TotalMinutes: 17.550881065
Ping Class TotalMinutes: 3.81168999
A version of the final one liner I ended up using:
0..254 | foreach { $i = $_; 1..254 | foreach{ $isOnline = (New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping).Send(“192.168.$i.$_”, 1000); “192.168.$i.$_`: $($isOnline.Status)” }}
Thanks for the post!
if (!$status)
$computer + ” – available”
$computer + ” – not available”
will give you “both” available and not available, i know it’s simple to infer not available from the list of available but if you’re exporting for a report it would be cleaner for the list to not have gaps. like if you’re trying to find a contiguous block it’ll be easier to pick one out of the list if everything is in there.